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Anishinaabeg: Art & Power
JUNE 17 to NOVEMBER 19, 2017
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario.
Curators: Alan Corbiere, Saul Williams, Arni Brownstone

Explore the life, traditions, and sacred stories of the Anishinaabeg as told through their powerful art over the last two centuries. Anishinaabeg: Art & Power takes you on a journey through the artistic evolution of one of the most populous and diverse Indigenous communities in North America.

With their homeland in Ontario, and communities stretching from Quebec to Alberta and Michigan to Montana, the Anishinaabeg have communicated and expressed their knowledge and cultural traditions through art for centuries, depicting the relationships between humans, their ancestors, nature, ceremony and supernatural beings known as spirits. Over time, their art was deeply influenced by both inter-community relationships with other Indigenous groups and the arrival of the Europeans to Canada. From early art forms and intricate beaded regalia to paintings and drawings from the Woodlands School art movement, these richly colourful and vibrant pieces reveal the artistic transformation of Anishinaabeg art. By showcasing the great beauty and power of this cultural history, Anishinaabeg: Art & Power highlights the shared connections among Indigenous groups, and between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians.

See these stunning works steeped in tradition, and gain a greater understanding of Indigenous art forms, beliefs and worldviews.

ROM Press Release (here)

More information on the ROM website.


Manitoulin Expositor: M’Chigeeng’s Alan Corbiere co-curates major ROM show on Anishinaabeg art, power

Toronto Star: At the ROM, Anishinaabe art, but whose power?

The Globe and Mail: Tracing the path of Anishinaabeg art

CBC: New ROM exhibit looks at centuries of Anishinaabe history