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Curated by Carlos Corais
Museu Nogueira da Silva,  January 9 to February 3, 2015

“Memory Landscape is an autobiographical suite of mixed-media photographs linking personal memories of the land and Anishinaabeg culture and life-ways. The suite of photographs span a thirty-five year period, taken primarily in the Great Lakes Region of Manitoulin and surrounding districts in Ontario, Canada.”

The digital version of the brochure is available for free download (here)

A digital scan of a sketch book of preliminary installation drawings (here)

About the Museu Nogueira da Silva

The following is an excerpt from a publication celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Museu Nogueira da Silva written by former Museum Director, Carolina Leite.

“The University of Minho is proud to celebrate 30 years since inheriting the estate of António Nogueira da Silva. Founded in 1973, the university was still in its infancy when it received this important donation, which beyond the house and garden, contained a significant collection of paintings, sculptures, furniture, glassware, tapestries and rugs, fabrics and porcelain. A few years later, the university opened a museum named after the generous entrepreneur-collector in the very house in which he had once resided. The spirit of this initial gesture has proved an example that still marks the university, both in terms of the originality, and the diversity of donations it has since received.

Over the years the museum has built on this initial collection and used it as a base from which to diversify. The formerly private quarters of the now employs a small team to care for the maintenance of the house and garden, ensuring visitors can enjoy the pleasures of the permanent collection.  The museum organises an educational service designed to awaken a taste and respect for creative beauty in young children and opens the doors of its photo library and History of Art Library to the public. It also promotes art conferences and debates, creating an open communicative forum for artists, critics and any amateurs who may be interested. It holds training courses aimed at a broad public, and publishes catalogues, debate and conference reports, and also reproductions of objects and artwork. The museum also hosts and promotes various kinds of music concerts. Another of its initiatives includes the “Nós e o Museu” Friends of the Nogueira da Silva Museum Association, while it is also involved in organising exhibitions in the Galeria da Universidade, an art gallery specialising in contemporary art which has exhibited the work of many national and international artists

António Nogueira da Silva was a shrewd and disparate collector, accumulating diverse objects which were not always of collectable value. Those objects that comply with the collection’s criteria are equally distributed in terms of periods, schools and artists, while revealing a great variety and techniques and languages.

The collector’s spirit has been kept alive within the museum’s walls. We use this spirit as a guide to help us create a venue open to varied artistic expressions, to the ideas these provoke, and to the results they produce in our lives…and to the image of the idea university to which Nogueira da Silva entrusted his collection.”

Exhibition installation photographs courtesy of Pedro Lobo